Key Management

Our team strive for quality, innovation and customer service

We share a strong commitment to family values, treating each other with respect, kindness, and compassion.
Board of Directors
We strive to create a work environment that fosters a sense of community and belonging, where everyone feels valued and supported.
Our Leadership Team
This family-oriented approach extends beyond our team to our customers, suppliers, and partners, creating lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect.
Milan Parikh
Chief Operating officer
Dr. Amarnath Chandrani
Chief Marketing Officer
Haresh Chaturvedi
Chief Transformation Officer
Alkesh Patel
Head of International Sales
Jayesh Visavadia
Head of EHS
Dipesh RajyaGuru
AGM - R & D
Anibal Scarpa
Country Head Brazil
Dr Avinash Mane
Head of R&D Technical
Vishal Shroff
Managing Director
Pankej Patel
Managing Director